Hello guys …today we will see how to change MAC address in backtrack.
First let’s see what is MAC address, we can say it as a Hardware address or Physical Address of a particular machine , also it is globally unique address which is burnt in the network card itself. MAC comes in play when a computer wants to receive or send data to proper destination. MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers (48 bits in length). MAC addresses are usually written in the below format:
Now fire-up your backtrack machine.
Goto terminal & type:-
#macchanger –help (//you will see list of available options)
You will see how to use it,& its basic usage is
Macchanger (options) device
Now for ex. If you want to see your present mac address simply type..
#macchanger –s eth0 (eth0 is mine interface)
Now in mac address the first three octet are given by manufactured,,our present mac is AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF..
So here AA:BB:CC is given by the vendor & suppose if you don’t want to change..for doing it type..
#macchanger -e eth0
After ,hitting enter you will see your previous & fake mac address.
Now for changing your mac randomly,type:-
#macchanger –r eth0
You will again see previous,& fake mac address.

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