Didn't like the New Facebook chat style? wanna get hooked up with the Old Style Chat SideBar?
 Try This:

There are some tools to make that happen, Facebook Chat Sidebar Disabler a browser extension that makes it for free.

Features of Facebook Chat Sidebar Disabler:
    1.Disable the Chat Sidebar and return to the Old Normal Chat.
    2.Use Friend Lists to limit your availability and group your Chat contacts.
    3.Link the name in chat windows titlebar to contact's profile.
    4.Revert the blue top bar to the old style one.
    5.Stick the blue top bar at the top of the window.
    6.Add a shadow below the blue top bar.
    7.Hide the ticker in the home page and/or inside games.
    8.Enable or disable extension features via a settings panel.

Facebook Chat Sidebar Disabler is compatible with browsers listed below:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • Google Chrome

You can easily download the add on from the following links:
  1. Mozilla Firefox   : http://data.sidebardisabler.net/install/fbsidebardisabler-2.2.1-firefox.xpi
  2. Opera                  : http://data.sidebardisabler.net/install/fbsidebardisabler-2.2.1-opera.oex
  3. Google Chrome  : http://data.sidebardisabler.net/install/fbsidebardisabler-2.2.1-chrome.crx

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